A good news for the nation in this time of trouble and desparation is that our country, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has been promoted to rapidly from 2009 to 2010 in ''Coorruption'' according to the Transparency International's report. The report titled the National Corruption Perception Survey 2010 showed an enormous rise in corruption from 195 billion rupees in 2009 to 223 billion rupees in 2010 that is a big achievement of leaders of the country. Certainly this is a great achievement by our democratic government and this promotion is also encouraging for our leaders and the officials of the concerned departments that are named as the most corrupt departments.The departments that are mostly involved are as given Police, Judiciary,. Power,Custom, Taxation, Land Administration, Health, Education, Tendering & Contracting and Local Government. The reason for this corruption is that there is injustice in the country, law and order situation is in worst condition our leaders are directly involved in this corruption.The power elites, industrialists, beaurucracy and even the low rank employees such as clerks and patwari etc all are involved in this corruption and their officials are backing them up so, they put their demands infront of the public without any hesitation and fear. These corrupt people are appointed by the representatives of the nation mostly at their favourite and desired places and constituencies. Now the need of the hour is to find out the solutin that how we should control this corruption that is damaging the whole country because every one is entanglled in this net of corruption,bribe and injustice that is highly damaging the roots of our whole society. If the nation will not take any action and will not move their steps forward against these corrupt politicians, leaders, beaurucrates, employees and officors then the situation will become even more worst and the day is not too far when we will be in Top 10 corrupt nations of the world. I appeal to every loyal Pakistani to wake up and speak out against this corruption and injustice and show your participation for a better,healthy and corruption free Pakistan.
Every citizen must be thankful to Tranparency International for its great job.
Special thanks to Transparency International, Pakistan
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